Wednesday, February 13, 2008

malcom x blog

Malcom Little started out as a young, good boy. He always did the right thing. He was the president of his class and a very good student. He always listened to his parents and was a good kid. But later in life, his life took a bad turn. He went from a grade A student. To a hustling gangster. This turn, he proboably thought was good. but really, it was bad.
I have seen this in many people. their life is going in the right direction. then they start hanging out wit the wrong people. and make a turn for the worse. they will start doing the things that their friends are doing. wether it is just to fit in, be cool or because u got pressured in to doing it. it could be drugs, sex, or anything bad. i have seen a lot of people in my life that have done this. they will be going to church, caring abut school and getting good grades. they start hanging out with the wrong people and soon, you will stop seeing them at church. they will stop excelling at school. they will just care abut doing other things. it doesnt matter what it is. but mabye, they will relize that they are going in the wrong track, and will come back to being good. not everybody is the same. most people don't go off in the right track. but a lot of people do.

by dylan

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