Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Anne, happy birthday to you! For Anne Frank's thirteenth birthday she recives a diary as a gift from her father which she later names "Kitty". Anne almost immediately fills in the pages of her diary with the details of her eeryday life: relationships with her friends, boys who like her, and her life at school. Anne confides in her diary so much because she feels like she has no true friends to open up with. Anne was a very fortunate girl with lots of friends, two loving parents to look out and care for her, and an older sister as a great role model. Anne's a comical girl who can't stop talking and loves to write up fictionals storie but, also serious and understandingat times when needed to be.
Despite the threats and danger that her family faces, Anne manages to stay calm and not spill the beans as they move into their new home, "The Secret Annex". The "Secret Annex" was located behind a book shelf through a secret door above Mr.Frank's old office. There were lots of people below them throughout the day so there were certain hours when you could run water and use the bathroom. Another Jewish family of three, the Van Daans soon joined the Franks in hidding. Of course the annex was slightly more cramped up with only limited space but Anne was just longing for complany and someone to talk to. In the family there was Mr. Van Daan, Mrs. Van Daan, and Peter. Peter was a shy boy who was just a couple years older than Anne. Mr. Van Daan wasn't too much of a problem and did his own thing. Then Mrs. Van Daan was the total opposite of the other two, she was very loud, obnixous, and basically a brat.
During her first year of living in the annex, the adults were constantly criticizing Anne on her behavior and giving her a hard time. Anne feels extremely lonesome and in need of some kindness and affection, which she thinks that her mother is incapable of doing. The maturity of Anne's writing changes as well as her personality while she is in hiding. As she matures, Anne comes to long for intimacy with a boy counterpart. She becomes carried away with Peter, the Van Daans teenage son, and comes to consider him as a very close friend for he is someone she can confide in, and they eventually fall in love.
In Anne's final diary entries, its obvious about the changes she has undergone, her ambitions, and how the holocaust is changing her. She has a clear perspective of how she has matured during their time in hidding. She has gone from an disrespectful and stubborn, imature little girl to a more emotionally independent young woman. Anne continues to wonder how she can be a good person when there are so many obstacles stopping her in her world. Anne thinks deeply about the war and humanity and also about her role as a young Jewish girl in such a challenging world.
From her diary I've learned sooo much about what it was like back in the day during the time of World War Two and the Holocaust. I must admit thought that this is the first non-fiction book that I have ever read and I'm not too sure if I liked it or not. Well I mean it was okay and all but it just got kinda boring I guess cause it was her diary. Can't wait to see what book you have next for us to read!
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