The Pearl by John Steinbeck is a classic tale about an indian man named Kino and his fight for his family. Juana is the mom and Coyotito is the baby. Kino lives with his family in a house made of brush. Kinos baby Coyotito is stung by a scorpion. The doctor would not come and cure him because he knew that the family did not have much money. Kino and Juana decide to take the baby to the doctor. When they get to town the doctor doesn’t want to treat the child because he is a poor indian boy. Kino realizes that he has to make more money or find something of value to be able to pay for the treatment . Juana rubbed seaweed on the sting. She thought that that was a good a treatment as any. Kino finds a gigantic pearl. The docter hears about the find and decides to give treatment to the child. Juana thinks that the pearl is evil, and she does not want to have anything to do with it.Kino becomes more and more greedy and wants to see how much money he can get for the pearl. He decides to sell the pearl for 50,000 pesos. He goes to the capitol to see if he can get a more money for it. The pearl only brings him unhappiness. On his way to the capitol, evil men try to steal his pearl. When they do not succeed for revenge they destroy his canoe, and burn down his house. The pearl dealers were men that try to take advantage of what people do not know about pearls. They gave Kino a price that was under what Kino would have expected. Kino was mad so he didn’t sell the pearl, but decided to go into the capital of his country to sell it. The news spread and soon Kino was fighting off people to protect the pearl. The worst happened, and kino ended up killing a man and having to hide the body. Kino’s house was burned, and his canoe was punctured. He is forced to take his family into hiding so he had to take his family to the capital . They were followed by trackers. Kino and his family hide in a cave. He goes outside to attack the men that are still there, and one of the men ends up shooting Coyotito. Kino has to go back to town with his wife and without his son. When Kino and Juana are going to throw the pearl into the Gulf, they look into it. In it they see Coyotito, and the evil that killed him. Then they cast the pearl out into the water.

my rection to this book is that it is ment to show that being greedy is not good. the only reason why kino went to find the pearl was so that Coyotito could get the scorpion out of him. but after kino realizes how much more money he can makeoff the pearl instead of the money that he could of used he forgets that the only reason that he got the pearl was for his son. and in reasult to his greedyness Coyotito ends up getting shot in the head by someone trying to steal the pearl.
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