To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a book about a girl named Jean Louise “Scout”. She lives with her older brother Jeremy and her dad Atticus in a town called Maycomb. One day they meet a boy named Dill who visits the neighborhood every summer. During that summer they would act out stories that were told about the man in the house next door Arthur . The summer the three tried to sneak onto the Radley property, and got shot at by Boo’s brother. Jem loses his pants on a fence. During winter Scout and Jem had been finding presents that have been left for them in a knothole of a tree. Scout and Jem believe that Boo was leaving them gifts, but Nathan fills up the hole with cement. One night a fire starts in a neighbor’s house and without being seen someone puts a blanket on Scout to keep her warm.She tells Atticus that she is Positive Boo did it all the ripped jeans and the gifts in the knothole. Atticus decides to defend a black man named Tom Robinson. Friends at school and people on the street are discussed because Maycomb’s white people are racist. tom was accused of raping a white woman. Even people in the family, were acting dumb with Scout so she licked her cousin who was calling Atticus a “nigger-lover”. The Finch’s cook Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to the black church where they were appreciated by most for helping another black person. Atticus’s sister Alexandra came to stay with them. Alexandra wanted to teach Jem and Scout to behave and her to teach Scout how to act like a lady. Alexandra slowly drives Jem and Scout mad with her politeness . Dill who was supposed to live with his new step-father runs away and goes to the Finches house and hides under Scouts bed. Atticus says that Dill can stay for awhile.
Tom Robinson’s trial begins and he is put in the jail for the night where a group of men come to kill him. Atticus stayed there that night to protect Tom. Scout, Jem and Dill show up and Scout tells the men to leave. During the actual trial in court the kids sit up in the black balcony because Atticus said they couldn’t come. As the trial went on Mayella and Bob Ewell, the accusers lied constantly. Atticus gave good evidence that would prove that Bob had attacked his daughter instead of Tom. Even with the evidence, Tom was still accused because he was black. Tom later tried to escape from jail and was shot. Even with the Ewell victory Bob still has a grudge agenst Atticus and swears to get him back. On the way back from a play Scout and Jem were attacked in the dark by Bob. Bob broke Jem’s arm and knocked him out cold. Boo came to the rescue and stabbed Bob in the chest with a knife. Boo carried Jem back to the Finch house and faneshes into his own house after a talk with the sheriff.

my reaction to this book is i dont like it. i belive that if tom robinson was white that his killing wouldnt of happened because it is ok to attack girls if your white.
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